Mortal Kombat Trilogy mugen

Mortal Kombat Trilogy Mugen

Download Mortal Kombat Trilogy Mugen for PC we bring you this game. Which was made by fans on the Mugen platform with many characters, moves and amazing powers. It is a very fun game which is ideal to download and play with your friends, has all the characters enhanced with its graphics engine mugen.

In the game menu you have options to play several modes such as VS that you can play with your friends in a one on one battle as well as TEAM mode for you to play with teams either against the computer or against your friends. Download Mortal Kombat Trilogy Mugen for free here.


  • Platform: PC
  • Language: English
  • Crack: No crack needed
  • Size: 905 MB
  • Controls: Keyboard / joystick

Minimum Requirements

Operating System:Windows 7
Processor:Intel core I3
Memory:1 GB de RAM
Graphics card:1 GB
DirectX:Versión 9.0
Storage:4 GB


Download links for Mortal Kombat Trilogy Mugen

Let us know if any link has problems, you can do it in the comments section.


  1. Hi. When is start the EXE show this message.

    Error detected.

    Clipboard tail:
    M.U.G.E.N ver 1.1.0 Beta 1 P1 (2013.08.11) status log
    Parsing command line…
    Command line: C:\Users\csaba\Downloads\UMKT Revision F (Fixed)\UMKT Revision F (Fixed)\MKP Final-Solano Edition 2.1.exe
    Parse command line OK
    Allocating game variables
    Reading configuration file…Setting language “en”.
    Initializing timer…performance timer enabled…frequency 10000000…OK
    Initializing keyboard…configuring…OK
    Initializing input engine…OK
    Initializing sound…OK
    Initializing BGM… OK
    Initializing graphics…gameCoord 800×508…render mode 2_20…trying 800x508x32 mode 0x0…failed.

    1. Hello friend, are you using PC or Android? This error is because the device you use, whether PC or ExaGear on Android, does not support OpenGL. If it is Android, the ExaGear emulator does not work well with the majority of Mugen games that use OpenGL and if you are using PC you may be missing it. some driver or video card of at least 1 GB so that the game can work, Regards

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