Jump Force Mugen V13

Jump Force Mugen V13

Download Jump Force Mugen V13 for PC we bring you this game. Which was made by Dark Night fans on the Mugen platform with many amazing characters, moves and powers. It is a very fun game which is ideal to download and play with your friends, it has all the characters enhanced with its mugen graphics engine.

In the game menu you have options to play several modes such as VS that you can play with your friends in a one on one battle as you also have the TEAM mode for you to play with teams either against the computer or against your friends. Jump Force Mugen V13 for free here.


  • Platform: PC
  • Author: Dark Night Mugen
  • Compressed Size: 49.40 GB
  • Unzipped Size: 83 GB
  • Storage required: 133 GB
  • RenderMode: DirectX

Minimum Requirements

Operating System:Windows 7
Processor:Intel core I3
Ram Memory:3 GB
Graphics card:1 GB
DirectX:Versión 9.0
Storage:133 GB

Gameplay PC

Gameplay Android

Download links for Jump Force Mugen V13

Full Game 1 Link :

Game in Parts of 10GB

Patch to apply on V12:

Instructions for downloading and applying the patch on the V12

  • Download the 7.54 GB Patch from the second link below.
  • Then unzip the downloaded file with the Winrar program.
  • Move the folders inside the patch to the game folder.
  • Accept when it asks to replace the files.
  • When you finish copying the files you have already transformed the V12 game to version 13.

Patch instructions above

Let us know if any link has problems, you can do it in the comments section.


      1. if i download full game link (not parts) from juegosdemugen link will it give me the file for the game or do i need to go to winzip? Should i download from Google drive or Juegosdemugen “other links” ?

        1. Hi, I don’t understand the question very well, but if you download the game from any link you must use WINRAR not WINZIP to decompress the game and play it.

    1. Hello friend, maybe the character has a bug, you can try to download the character again and replace it with the one you already have or wait for the author of the Dark Night game to create a patch to solve errors in the game

        1. Hello, I think it is mediafire that is having problems, or maybe they are doing some maintenance, you can try downloading from GoogleDrive, we have a video on how to bypass the limitation of waiting 24 hours on YouTube

    1. Hello, the other versions are not necessary if you are going to download the full game, only if you are going to use the patch then you would have to apply it to the previous version 12

  1. hello , i just downloaded the game and when i open it shows just a black screen then the game is not responding and i have to close it , checked folder size and is 83g , so any help please.

    1. Hello friend, the black screen is the loading screen, after the images of the controls appear the screen turns black and the game begins to load, it can take several minutes, that is due to the number of characters, it can take up to 5 or 6 minutes and then the game starts normally, you just have to wait

  2. hello , i just posted a comment but its deleted idk why , anyway the game doesn’t work with me , when i open it it just shows three teclas do jogo pictures then become a black screen and not responding then i have to force shutdown the game , need help please

    1. Hello friend, the black screen is the loading screen, after the images of the controls appear the screen turns black and the game begins to load, it can take several minutes, that is due to the number of characters, it can take up to 5 or 6 minutes and then the game starts normally, you just have to wait

  3. as soon as i hit 20GB on downloading the game, its stop and it says server error or something like that. i try to resume it, and it doesn’t work. it cost me 2 hours of my precious time just for this to happen. btw, i’m using fichier.

    1. Hello friend, this can happen in files that are very large, that is why we recommend using a download manager, for example one called Jdownloader 2, this way if the download is interrupted or stopped for some reason the downloaded progress is not lost. from the file and you can return from the same percentage downloaded, or you can download from multi parts links

  4. I keep getting black screen issue after the controls screen in game , I tried every method but still not working

    1. Hello, after the images of the controls the black screen is the loading screen, you must wait for it to finish loading, it can last several minutes up to 5 or 6 minutes or more, after that the game will start normally, it takes so long because of the size of the game and the number of characters you have to load.

  5. hello, Can you check if my laptop can run this game ? 😁
    Device name DESKTOP-A8TALB0
    Processor Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU 4415U @ 2.30GHz 2.30 GHz
    Installed RAM 4.00 GB (3.87 GB usable)
    Device ID E90D225D-3DE9-4FF2-B172-9FD8A4CAEEBE
    Product ID 00327-35015-48587-AAOEM
    System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
    Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display

  6. hello, everytime i try to download it just says “download failed network error” but my network is fine.
    can u help?

        1. It must be a mediafire error, sometimes the download does not work, we recommend using a download manager such as Jdownloader 2, it is best downloaded using it

  7. when i used jdownloader 2 it automatically extract it but when i look at the folder the game isnt there
    can you help?

  8. Hello, I’m having this problem: I can’t save button changes in the game and when I enter the game, it crashes out of the main screen. Is there any way to fix it? Thank.

    1. Hello, to save the changes you must enter the options and position yourself where it says LoadSave and then press the right or left buttons to change to Save and press Start or the key you have configured.

  9. Hello, I have this situation: when I finish selecting the character and the game starts loading, the game crashes. Is there any way to fix it, thanks.

    1. Hello, we still don’t have a tutorial soon we will do it, but you could try to search for a tutorial about Jdownloader on YouTube, it is the same to download anything, you could also join our Discord server and we will help you, a few days ago we also helped a subscriber use it you can also see the conversation is in the chat of what he did to use it

      1. ok please send the discord link Because the 1fitchier download keeps stopping at 20gb and I dont know how to use Jdownloader

  10. Hello every time i Load the game and go into watch mode it always starts as player 2 is there any way i can make it start with player 1.

  11. Hello when i start my game and click any of the Modes it always starts with player 2 first on the right is thier any way i can switch it so it starts with player 1 first there is no options in the settings to fix this problem

      1. its not player 2 controls it doesnt pop up player 1 only player 2 i have tried changing all the configurations

        1. Hello, but did you change the controls or are you using the controls that the game already has by default? The default ones are the ones that appear in the images when you start the game, through this means it is difficult to help you better, if you want you can join our Discord or Telegram and there it is better to talk and even show images of the controls to see the configuration of the game

  12. i tried to redownload mugen but there are a bunch of characters not working plz fix asp ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\ChopperTS\Chopper.snd. The file is corrupt ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\Goku Black SSJ4\Goku Black SSJ4.snd. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\Goku Daishinkan SSJ 1\Goku Daishinkan SSJ 1.sff. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\Goku MUI\Goku MUI.snd. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\Goku MUI 5\GokuMUI5.sff. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\Goku MUI 5\GokuMUI5.snd. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\Goku SSJ10\.Files\OIF\sounds.snd. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\Goku SSJ6\Goku SSJ6.sff. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\GokuSpiritKiller\GokuSpiritKiller.sff. The file is corrupt ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\Killua full power\Resources\spr.sff. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\King Gilgamesh Op\Gilgamesh.snd. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\King One Piece\Sound.snd. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\King Vegeta\King Vegeta.sff. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\Kira(Kosaku Kawajiri)\Kira(Kosaku Kawajiri).snd. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\L.U.C.Y\L.U.C.Y.sff. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\Madara_Rikudou\Madara Revived.sff. The file is corrupt ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\Pica\Pica.sff. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\Polnareff\Polnareff.snd. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\Porco\Sound.snd. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\Porco\Sprite.sff. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\Prime_Whitebeard\Shirohige.sff. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\Prime_Whitebeard\Shirohige.snd. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\Rose\Rose.snd. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\Sasuke The Last\SasukeMS.snd. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\Ulquiorra all forms\Ulquiorra all forms.sff. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\Ulquiorra all forms\Ulquiorra all forms.snd. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\Ulquiorra2\Ulquiorra.sff. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\Vegetto\Vegetto.sff. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\chars\Yuno (Spirit Dive)\alt.sff. The file is corrupt
    ! C:\Users\morty\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V13-001.rar: Checksum error in Jump Force Mugen V13\stages\HEAVEN’S ARENA.sff. The file is corrupt

        1. I thought you had downloaded it in parts, but this error may be that the file was not downloaded correctly, you will have to try downloading again

  13. i fix it now my ps4 and xbox controller are not working when i try to input the button layout is not working the b button on the xbox controller is not working it says not used and i can’t do anything to fix it plz fix it asp

    1. Maybe it’s a bug in the screenpack friend, you could try searching the file called mugen.log if it registers any errors

  14. How exactly do i download the game using the 10gb at a time thingy? i downloaded all the parts and extracted them but there’s no instructions on what to do after that

  15. i tried opening the “mugen.exe” but it just displays some info screens and then crashes, if I press enter or escape then it also crashes, btw I used the 10 gb at a time download and the file size is 83 gb

    1. Hello, you don’t need to do anything else, after extracting the game you run mugen.exe, the game will open and show you the images of the controls and then the black screen will appear, that black screen is the loading screen, it can last several minutes finish loading due to the enormous number of characters it has, it can even last up to 10 minutes or more, and then the game starts normally

      1. okay thanks, ill try to just wait and let you know, its fine even if it says not responding, right?

          1. i havent loaded up any match yet but so far it seems to be working, ill let you know if I encounter any issues, thanks

  16. I download but I can’t play, every time the game crash. help, I try everything but the game don’t work.

    1. Hello, if it works, you must press F5 or refresh the mediafire page to show the links, apparently it is a bug in their servers.

  17. Uhm hey admin can you help me? The file seems to be corrupted or broken since it does not work when I try to extract it… It says the file is either damaged or corrupted.

  18. And also I tried different options but the outcome was still the same… I can’t extract it. I hope you can help me since I really wanted to play this game for years and when I finally had a chance to play it on my new laptop it ended up saying it couldn’t be extracted also I tried reinstalling it 6 times already with different ways and the outcome was still the same. I have been retrying for 2 weeks already and trying to search on YouTube on ways to fix it but nope there is no result on how to fix it.

          1. You can try using a download manager, it helps the files download correctly and you can pause them without losing progress, for example Jdownloader 2

  19. Admin it says the part 4 of the file seems to be broken… The jdownloader 2 put an X on part 4. Do I need to download the part 4 again or redownload everything again?

  20. why there is no exe file when im done extracting i just fkn wasted my whole day for reinstalling extracting over and over again god damnit

  21. why there is no exe file when im done extracting, i just wasted my whole entire weekend for reinstalling, redownloading, re extracting over and over again hoping there will be an exe file after done extracting but there still none . i already turn off my virus protection app, windows defender matterfact i uninstalled it just to play this game. this is my fifth try hopefully its gonna

  22. Hello, everytime i start a fight in the game for whatever reason, at some point (it could be 2 minutes or 25 minutes) the game just closes itself. Is there a reason for this?

    1. Hello, you can try to check the mugen.log file, the game errors are recorded there, you can also try to send us the file via Discord or telegram to review it to see if we can get the error.

  23. Amigos me pueden ayudar con este problema desde hace tiempo usaba el mugen version 12 pero luego me empezo a dar el error 0xc0000005 y como no sabia como solucionarlo entonces pense en descargarme el parche de la version 13 y bueno se soluciono a la primera pero cuando lo abri por segunda vez siguio dandome el mismo error y la verdad me gustaria que me ayudaran con eso

  24. I tried to extract the files for the game and it fails every time, tried running it without extracting and it still wouldnt run. no error info was given either time, any fixes?

    1. Hello, you can choose opponents in versus mode and when the battle starts press the CTRL + 2 keys and player 2 will start attacking you, you can do this by choosing simul so that there are two opponents

  25. yoo guys!
    The game does not see two gamepads, only one
    (xbox gamepad and a logitech gamepad)
    I really want to play with a friend on gamepads, but I can’t set it up in any way.
    Can anyone help?

    1. Hi, which of the two is the one that is not displayed? If the Logitech is the one that does not work, maybe you should use an Xbox control simulator such as XINPUT

      1. If two gamepads are connected at the same time, the game recognizes logitech as the 1st player, and the xbox gamepad does not work
        If only the xbox controller is turned on, then it works
        It turns out that they work separately, but only for the 1st player, for the second player only the keyboard
        I tried to turn them on before and after the game launch
        I used this emulator a long time ago
        Should I transfer the files to the game folder and set up the gamepad there?

      2. I don’t know how, but everything worked after several power-ups and reconnections
        ty so much for the answer and good luck!

  26. hi, once it starts I skip the command videos and everything freezes and windows makes me stop the application

    1. Hello, this happens because the game is very heavy, it usually takes several minutes to open it, it can take up to 10 minutes to load after showing the images of the controls

  27. Hello, I wanted to request that for v14 of Jump Force Mugen characters from the Netflix animated series or directly from the Kengan Ashura manga be added to the game.
    Greetings and I hope you can implement them as soon as possible

    1. Hello, we do not modify the game, but you can add the characters yourself, the youtube downloads or a Mugen forum and you can look for a tutorial to add the characters to the game

  28. Hello sir i realy like your game i am in love with it but i cant seem to understand it controls as when i play icant charge my health bar pls can someon tell all the buttons / controls for keyboard its not even there in coonfig

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