jump force mugen v11

Jump Force Mugen V11

Download Jump Force Mugen V11 for PC we bring you this game. Which was made by Dark Night fans on the Mugen platform with many amazing characters, moves and powers. It is a very fun game which is ideal to download and play with your friends, it has all the characters enhanced with its mugen graphics engine.

In the game menu you have options to play several modes such as VS that you can play with your friends in a one on one battle as you also have the TEAM mode for you to play with teams either against the computer or against your friends. Jump Force Mugen V11 for free here.


  • Platform: PC
  • Language: English
  • Crack: No crack needed
  • Size: 39 GB
  • Controls: Keyboard / joystick

Minimum Requirements

Operating System:Windows 7
Processor:Intel core I3
Ram Memory:3 GB
Graphics card:1 GB
DirectX:Versión 9.0
Storage:80 GB


Instructions to download the complete game

  • First click on the download link below.
  • Then click on each of the parts and download each part separately.
  • Then have all the parts downloaded into the same folder.
  • Now extract only part 1 with the Winrar program, the other parts are extracted automatically.
  • Then open the extracted folder and run the game.

Instructions for downloading and applying the patch on the V10

  • Download the 6 GB Patch from the second link below.
  • Then unzip the downloaded file with the Winrar program.
  • Move the folders inside the patch to the game folder.
  • Accept when it asks to replace the files.
  • When you finish copying the files you have already transformed the V10 game to version 11.

Download links for Jump Force Mugen V11

Full Game:

Patch to apply if you already have V10:

Let us know if any link has problems, you can do it in the comments section.


  1. Hello, I love this site, but in this mugen, I have seen the first loading screen (the buttons and configurations), but after that the mugen is not responding. When I see the log it says something about empty char/empty.def

    Any way to fix it?

    1. Hello friend, did you download all the parts? remember that you must download all of them and then extract with winrar, it may also be that some part was not downloaded correctly, you must return to the truth, checking one by one, and tell us if it worked for you or if you need more help, Regards

      1. hello so I want to download this game I go to the game and download every file but once I click all of them no new file appears and im on Mac and I’ve been searching on the internet what’s wrong with my pc but nothing is useful I click right left on my mouse and I see nothing that says start up or extract do you know this problem and please help I’ve been waiting to play this game for weeks/

        1. Hello friend, you must use the WINRAR program to be able to extract the game, but I must tell you that it is for Windows since we have not carried out tests on MAC, I think that if it can be executed using some kind of emulator, maybe you can get a tutorial on Youtube, Regards

          1. The problem appears to be with the files that were uploaded. They were not properly divided by WinRAR resulting in extra (or incomplete) data at the end of part4. I’ve included the download’s hashes in my comment below in order to compare with the base. If you re-compress it, the new archive should have the exact same hash as the originals, otherwise there was an error in one of the archives. I also recommend including a PAR2 file for download which would be capable of handling about 10% of the file correction just in case.

          2. Do you need to use winrar only i tried with 7 zip and it shows me the control screen then doesnt load after that.

        1. Hello friend, if you mean the black screen that appears after the images of the controls, it is due to the loading of the game, on the black screen the game is loading, it can take several minutes to finish, even up to 5 minutes, you just have to wait for it to finish. Finish loading and the game will start fine, Regards

    1. Hello friend, above are the instructions on how to extract, you must have all the parts together in the same folder and then extract part 1 and the rest are extracted automatically, Regards

  2. Thanks. Dragao Negro cannot be selected though since his name has special characters.
    Looking forward to the next update to fill up more of the empty slots.

  3. I cant download in parts, the download keeps stopping. please may you add a google drive download, or a download that isnt in parts?

    1. Hello friend, the game is very large in size and for now we do not have mediafire or googledrive premium accounts to place it in a single link, that is why it is in parts, maybe in a while we can do it, Regards

  4. Hello, the second part has downloaded fine, but the first, third and fourth parts fail to download because they’re “incomplete”, is this an issue you could solve or not?

      1. Yeah, I’m having the same problem. The download gets all the way to the end but it won’t finish up – just sits there as an incomplete download.

    1. I can’t seem to pick a character when I go to pick a character by pressing the enter button nothing happens

  5. Is there any problem that jump force v10 is not responding i do everything correct but it always say not responding plz help

    1. Hello friend, if you mean that it does not respond on the black screen, that is the loading screen, you must wait, sometimes it usually takes several minutes, it can be up to 5 minutes, you just have to wait and then the game will start, Regards

    1. Hello friend, if you mean that it does not respond on the black screen, that is the loading screen, you must wait, sometimes it usually takes several minutes, it can be up to 5 minutes, you just have to wait and then the game will start, Regards

  6. I’m incredibly confused on how to download and make this game work. no video anywhere seems to show how to properly download this game either and properly do things with the files. Sucks because this looks cool…

    1. And one last detail, the game takes several minutes to load when it reaches the black screen, you just have to wait and the game will start fine, Regards

    1. Hello friend, if it takes a long time, it is because of the speed of your internet connection, for now there is no way to download the game, Regards

      1. Hey Admin,I want to ask what do I do when the file im downloading says Unconfirmed65280 and the file isnt really making any progress,do you have any advice?

        1. Hello friend, lately large files are giving problems when downloading, but I can recommend you to use a download manager, for example one called “JDownloader 2” is very good, it helps to download files and if the download stops or is interrupted The internet connection does not lose progress and when it continues again it does so from where it left off before stopping, Regards

  7. When trying to extract the part 1 folder it gets all the way to the end then says there is an error with GOD ussop and just stops, pls help

  8. i just wanted to ask is there a way to make it download faster cause i stared downloading all parts and i open it later in the day and it says interrupted: network problem and it restarted the whole download bruh

    1. Hello friend, for now you can only download with the published links, but if that problem occurs, you could use a download manager, such as the one called Jdownload, search for it on Google and Youtube, this allows you to pause downloads and then continue where you left off, and if The internet is interrupted, it works the same, it starts again where it was interrupted, Regards

  9. Hello i wanted to say that whenever i download part 3 my protection app says that the file says that it’s infected by URL:Blacklist or URL:Malvertising

    1. Hello friend, that message from URL: Blacklist or URL: Malvertising appears is because of the advertising that Mediafire has that is taken as spam and is found on antivirus blacklists but it is harmless, in the same way you can download from Google Drive that does not have advertising I even leave our tutorial here for you to download without limitations https://juegosdemugen.com/en/download-tutorial you can apply it only to download the part you are missing, Regards

    1. Hello friend, yes it should work in the same way, you can reduce the resolution of the game so that it requires less resources, you can try to try, Regards

  10. Hello, so i downloaded the game, extracted it like in the tutorial but when i start it just shows me the controlls and after that stays black, and then doesnt respond anymore. the log just gives me the error:
    ”Error reading character file: chars/empty/empty.def” and i tried reinstalling and all that, running the patcher but there is nothing that seems to work, cant even find anything on the internet, is there a way to fix that?

    1. Hello friend, on the black screen you must wait since that is the loading screen, it usually takes several minutes, even for us it has taken up to 5 minutes, after that the game starts normally, it is like that with several of the Jump Force Mugen, you just have to wait and the game will start normally, Regards

  11. Hello

    Around half of the characters are not showing up since v10.
    I downloaded v10 parts 1-4, extracted part 1. The game was running but a lot of characters were missing. After that i saw v11 came out so i downloaded that, extracted it over v10 replacing files and it is the same. Characters are missing in random places. A lot of them are there and the game runs smoothly

  12. Hello i keep getting these errors when i look at the mugen log Error reading character file: chars/empty/empty.def whenever i choose my characters and select a stage it crashes

    1. Hello friend, the black screen is the loading screen, you just have to wait for it to finish, sometimes it takes 5 minutes and then the game starts, Regards

  13. Hello this is really nice Sir but i have a problem about it it crashed all the time and something it’s not responding well plz tell me a way to fix all the error
    I really appreciate your hard work and adding all the characters in this game I hope you will add more and more characters in the future
    But plz solve the problem before that

    1. Hello friend, tell me what the error indicates to help you or if it is a problem with any character? or you could also see the previous comments we have solved many problems you may also get some solution in the comments above, Regards

  14. i am not quite sure what file to extract the patch for v10 too, I put it in the main Jump Force Mugen v10 file but didn’t get the replace files message. was wondering if there is a specific file too send it to?

    1. Hello friend, if it has to ask you to replace several files, you must extract the patch and then open the folder that was extracted and inside are the folders that you are going to copy and paste into the V10 folder, when you pay for these they must ask confirmation to replace several files, Regards

  15. There’s extra data at the end of file.
    Hello, I wanted to inform you that they 4 parts of the full game rar file are incompletely uploaded. In particular, part 4 appears to be incomplete when testing the files. If you happen to have a par2 file for error correction or even just a hash to help verify completed downloads, it may help to better diagnose this issue in the future.
    However, it appears to be an issue with the base file as opposed to a poor upload.
    The SHA-256 hashes are as follows for the files that I downloaded:
    Part1: SHA256: e51d104595cf8e7e09874901c8bc5b3cb2914511cb1a027e9ff4aa9d960bd383
    Part2: SHA256: 6c5963c282ee41c075ba2791e2991c6ff59d2966ff3b190992a0511fd3ee6fc0
    Part3: SHA256: 353fdeb6e908cfc0a189abd41d4d14de7f1be1494fdfc858ede365ea8cab71e9
    Part4: SHA256: 0e0b6d101c4e321fedbc98fcbf3ba21e0245f18bd39eac9d031c4cccf159ea5c

    For now, perhaps downloading the V10 version and then the patch may be better.

    1. Hello friend, the explanation you say is a bit advanced, we are not very expert in compression with WINRAR, but the published parts are those shared by the author of the game, so I cannot say exactly how they were compressed, but I do not understand what error does it give you? Doesn’t the game load or doesn’t let you play? And sorry for asking you, but as I told you, we are not compression experts, we are about to upload the game in one part so that there are no problems since it has worked well for us like the gameplay we published, but the one we are going to upload is This same extract, so I think it would be the same since it is the same one extracted from the 4 parts, so I ask you what error does this that you explain in the game produce?

  16. I download part 4 many times and whenever I open it, my computer says it has something corrupted and yet the download went smooth without pauses or crashes. What do I do?

    1. Hello friend you must enter the versus mode, choose your character then the character with which you are going to fight with the player 2 controls and then when the game starts you must press the CTRL + 2 keys both at the same time and ready the character will start to fight, Greetings

  17. Здравствуйте при распаковке какая-то ошибка у меня выходит почему это кто знает?

    1. Привет друг, ты все части скачал? если да, то возможно что-то скачалось не так, придется качать заново, С уважением

  18. I love this game but is there any way to see all of the characters? Because i wana do a tournament off all the characters but i would need a list to do that.

    1. Hello friend you can see all the characters inside the game folder there is a folder called “chars” there are all the characters that the game contains, Regards

    1. Hello friend, sorry for the delay, but that error is very strange, did you follow the steps to download all the parts and extract part 1 so that you can have the complete game without errors? here we have a tutorial on how to download the game, extract it with winrar and run it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfBhFLGndrE but if you already did it then maybe some of the parts downloaded wrong and you will have to go back to try to download it, Regards

  19. Ich habe eine frage wie stelle ich den s knopf ein weil die taste auf den lade Screen Funktioniert nich und es wir nirgends angezeigt wie man sie um ändert

    1. Hello friend, sorry for the delay, but that error is very strange, did you follow the steps to download all the parts and extract part 1 so that you can have the complete game without errors? here we have a tutorial on how to download the game, extract it with winrar and run it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfBhFLGndrE but if you already did it then maybe some of the parts downloaded wrong and you will have to go back to try to download it, Regards

    1. Hello friend, it is updated only if a patch is made to modify it, either by changing characters, solving errors or updating the game to the next version, Regards

  20. Привет, я скачал всё по инструкции, распаковал всё в папку (итоговый вес получился 66,4 Гб), но при попытке запуска, выходит ошибка “Не удалось запустить приложение, поскольку его параллельная конфигурация неправильна” при попытке вывести ошибку в sxstrace.txt, файл оказывается пустым, я уже переустановил visual c++ как рекомендуют в интернете, ничего не помогло

    1. Здравствуйте друг, похоже, что это ошибка в конфигурации вашего компьютера, возможно, он не совместим, Приветствую.

  21. Hello, the google drive links are down, and for some reason, the download speed on mediafire is incredibly slow. I’d love to play this game, but at this rate, I’ll be a grandpa when the downloading will be finished.

  22. hello, can you upload the file on the other host? on the mediafire the download is very slow while on the google drive it always got a limit so i cant download there.

  23. Hello, my game loads fine but everytime after i selected 2 charackters and try to start the fight my game crashes

    1. Hello friend, when that happens there can be many factors, maybe your PC is too saturated and that’s why the game closes, other characters can be if it only happens with a specific one and not with the others, then it may be that that character doesn’t work totally fine, another way to know is to open the mugen.log file that is in the game folder you can open it with notepad, it records the game errors and perhaps indicates what happens and why it closes If you try it, tell us, Regards

  24. Hello, I downloaded all of the Parts (they are all in the same folder) and only extracted the first one. When in open the game everything works until i start the fight after I press u or i the game just closes itself. How can I fix it?

    best regards

    1. Hello friend, when that happens there can be many factors, maybe your PC is too saturated and that’s why the game closes, other characters can be if it only happens with a specific one and not with the others, then it may be that that character doesn’t work totally fine, another way to know is to open the mugen.log file that is in the game folder you can open it with notepad, it records the game errors and perhaps indicates what happens and why it closes If you try it, tell us, Regards

      1. Hello, I think that my pc is able to run the game so i dont think thats the problem. So i opened the mugen log and i saw that everything was ok exept for “Initializing pads…failed” could that be the reason why my game crashes? and i also dont know how to get it to full screen i tried the usual F11.
        best regards

  25. Hello, I think i found the problem in the mugen log it say: Initializing select screen…finding characters…
    Error reading character file: chars/empty/empty.def
    Error reading character file: chars/empty/empty.def
    it says that a couple of times more but that would be unnecessary.
    How can i fix that?

    1. To place it on full screen there is also the tutorial on how to do it in the TUTORIALS menu, and that error seems that some of the parts were not downloaded well, friend, if you really followed the tutorial to download, it may be that, you will have to try again download the parts again to be able to know if that is the problem, Regards

  26. Hi admin, maybe you won’t release it on mega or 1fichier or torrent?
    Just because it loads slowly for me on google drive and media fire.
    Thank you for your answer.

  27. Confused about the minimum requirements. It says 80 GB storage and I have more than that, but once I extract a file after downloading all the parts there’s not enough space at all

    1. Hello friend, the storage size that we put at 80GB is only for the game folder, it does not include the size of the compressed files, which is 39 GB, to get the total you must add both, sorry for the confusion, Regards

    1. Hello friend if you mean when you upgrade to version 12? if so I think they are not lost because the folders of the chars you added will not be deleted BUT you must add them back in the select.def file because that file if you are going to overwrite with the upgrade and the previous one is lost, Greetings

  28. Hello, I am having a problem that many of the characters are missing and it seems like they are all erroring, i’m not sure how to fix that and get all those missing characters

    1. Hello friend, did you download all the complete parts? If you didn’t do it, maybe that’s the problem, now if you did, then maybe one of the parts was downloaded with errors or incomplete, sometimes it usually happens, you’ll have to download again to try to see if that solves the problem In the same way, I leave you here our tutorial https://juegosdemugen.com/en/download-tutorial where we show how to download, how to extract, and how to run the game in case you need it, Regards

  29. Hello, I have a problem, so when I’m in the menu to change the input and then press escape the game just closes instead of taking me back to the menu. Any idea how to fix this?

    1. Hello friend, it has also happened to some users, but what you can do is not press the escape key and go down to the last option that says Return to main and select it, it will take you back again, Regards

    1. Hello friend, there is no need for an installer, you just have to download it, then extract with the WINRAR program and then you can run the game, Regards

    1. Hello friend, to apply the patch you just have to download it, then extract it with Winrar, and then open the folder that was extracted and inside there are several files and folders, select them all and copy them, then open the V11 folder and paste everything, it works for you to ask you to accept to rewrite some files you must accept everything and that’s it, remember to make a copy of the V11 game in case an error occurs, do not lose the game and you can try again, Regards

    1. Hello friend, to apply the patch you just have to download it, then extract it with Winrar, and then open the folder that was extracted and inside there are several files and folders, select them all and copy them, then open the V11 folder and paste everything, it works for you to ask you to accept to rewrite some files you must accept everything and that’s it, remember to make a copy of the V11 game in case an error occurs, do not lose the game and you can try again, Regards

      1. yes i downloaded it 3 times and i only get a few character to pick all the others are either randomize or just missing i downloaded the v12 also and the same thing then i checked the select.def and pretty much all of it is just randomize or empty and the names that are there are not appearing in the game and i dont know what to do now.

      2. Oh sorry than makes sense now i thought that that if i just downloaded part 5 i would get all the character for the other parts with it.

  30. Dont woryy about the comment i said that i downloaded it 3 times, i havent looked at your question properly

  31. i put all part in the same folder and when i extract part 1 ,there are only chars folder ,3v3.exe, 4gb_patch.exe, 4v4.exe and how do i open the game

    1. Hello friend, you can see our tutorial on how to configure the controls, you can find it on our YouTube channel and right here in the tutorials menu, Greetings

    1. Hello friend, above the download button are the instructions for the patch, this is applied to the previous version of the game to update it to the next version, Greetings

  32. Hi,
    whenever i open the mediafire file its showing me that this site cant be reached.
    if i wanted i could have downloaded from google drive but i only have 1 gb left.
    please fix the link

  33. Hi, how I do open the game after I extracted the game . After i open the file that has been extracted, they only show 3v3, 4gb_patch and 4v4 and chars files only. ASAP!

    1. Hello friend, if it only shows those files it is because the download was incomplete, you will have to try to download it again, remember to download all the parts

    1. Hello, according to the creator Dark Night Mugen version 13 is the last, we don’t know if he might change his mind later but so far that’s the case

  34. hey so i downloaded all the parts but i cant extract them i can only open them with notes or smthing i need help

  35. This looks amazing! I can’t wait to try out the new characters and features in Jump Force Mugen V11. The Mugen community always brings such creativity to the game. Great post!

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