Jump Force Mugen V12

Jump Force Mugen V12

Download Jump Force Mugen V12 for PC we bring you this game. Which was made by the fan Dark Night on the Mugen platform with many characters, moves and amazing powers. It is a very fun game which is ideal to download and play with your friends, it has all the characters enhanced with its mugen graphics engine.

In the game menu you have options to play several modes such as VS that you can play with your friends in a one on one battle as you also have the TEAM mode for you to play with teams either against the computer or against your friends. Jump Force Mugen V12 for free here.


  • Platform: PC
  • Author: Dark Night
  • Compressed Size: 42.80 GB
  • Unzipped Size: 72.60 GB
  • Storage required: 115.40 GB
  • RenderMode: DirectX

Minimum Requirements

Operating System:Windows 7
Processor:Intel core I3
Ram Memory:3 GB
Graphics card:1 GB
DirectX:Versión 9.0
Storage:115.40 GB


Instructions for downloading and applying the patch on the V11

  • Download the 8 GB Patch from the second link below.
  • Then unzip the downloaded file with the Winrar program.
  • Move the folders inside the patch to the game folder.
  • Accept when it asks to replace the files.
  • When you finish copying the files you have already transformed the V11 game to version 12.

Download links for Jump Force Mugen V12

Full Game:

Patch to apply if you already have V11:

Let us know if any link has problems, you can do it in the comments section.


  1. Hello their admin or mod I have a problem whenever I try to download Mugen 12 it does not let me because of no permission or something so can you please fix it by letting me download the game thankyou

    1. Hello friend, the link is free, it does not need permission, in the same way we put a separate link in 1fitcher, try that one to see, regards

      1. hi admin I downloaded the Mediafire version of Mugen but it is the patch version so I need with how to see up the patch and then I am now downloading the 1fitcher one and it is taking 3 hours so can you please help me thank you

        1. Hello friend, the patch indicates that it is only for those who have V11 and want to update to V12, above the download buttons are the instructions, and if you are going to download the full game you do not need the patch, when the download is finished complete game (in this case the one you are downloading by 1fitcher) extract it with WINRAR and open the game to play. Greetings

          1. مرحبًا، قد يكون هناك خطأ في خوادم Google، حاول التنزيل لاحقًا، أو يمكنك استخدام مدير تنزيل مثل Jdownload 2

  2. will this even work with Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit sp1 and Nvidia Quadro 410 and AMD Phenom II X2 555 with 2 cores 3.2 GHz and DirectX 11?

    1. Hello friend, it may work for you because this game works with DirectX, but I’m not sure when FPS will work for you, you can also reduce the resolution if necessary so it can demand fewer resources, you should still do the test and if you want, tell us how It worked for you, Regards

  3. Hey admin when downloading V12 I get an error message saying “download quota for this file has exceeded, so you cannot download at this time.” Any fixes I can try on my end?

  4. saya berharap untuk update kedepannya ada karakter dari donghua seperti Wang Ling, Lingzhi, sun rong, lord grim, dan lainya

  5. hi i just want you guys to know that 3 characters failed to load (hiyori )(ushiwakamaru) and (naruto to the last) all of them are the same failed to load the 4 gb patch did not help btw

    1. Hello friend you can add the characters if you want you can see our basic tutorial on how to do it in TUTORIALS menu, and in this case you can replace the first slots with this sign ? by the characters you add, you can download them from YouTube or searching the Mugen forums with the help of Google, Greetings

          1. You will have to download the full game friend for it to be resolved and work well, and when you download the full game you don’t need the patch, Regards

  6. Hey, I keep getting this pop up: Can’t open config file data/mugen.cfg.
    Error reading data/mugen.cfg

    Clipboard tail:
    M.U.G.E.N ver 1.1.0 Beta 1 P1 (2013.08.11) status log
    Parsing command line…
    Command line: C:\Users\tyler.bish0001\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V12\Jump force mugen.exe
    Parse command line OK
    Allocating game variables
    Reading configuration file…

    How do I fix this?

    1. Hello friend, the error says that the mugen.cfg file does not work, maybe it was not extracted correctly or the game was not downloaded correctly, you should try to download again, Regards

    1. Hello friend you can play it online with friends using programs that allow you to do so such as PARSEC, allows offline games can be played online, this week we will publish a step by step tutorial on how to do it on our Youtube channel, but in the meantime you can look for any other tutorial, Greetings

  7. Hello
    i downloaded that game normaly but when i choosed my charakter and start the fight the game its show me the loading screen and then the game crashes.
    i downloaded it again and i tried it with V.10 too(same problem)
    is there a solution?

    1. Hello friend, if you get this problem with both, perhaps some configuration or video driver is missing from your PC or it may also mean that it does not have enough memory to play the game, you can try downloading a less heavy game that requires less resources to see If it works for you and you are trying, you can start with this https://juegosdemugen.com/en/famicom-fighters-mugen-2 Regards

    2. So i downloaded the game from the google drive variant, and when it got done it said “network error” could you tell me how to fix it or maybe take an alternate route?

  8. Hello how to apply V12 in V11? I already have patch V11, but when I downloaded the V12… V11 still the same and nothing has changed. I try to compress/extract V12 to the 1-4 part of V11 nothing change.

    1. Hello friend, you must apply the patch if you have the complete V11 game, download this patch, extract it and open the folder that was created and copy all the files inside and then open the V11 game folder and paste all the files you copied there, it will work to appear the sale of replacing files you must accept and when finished it should already be working, Regards

    1. Hello friend, after the images of the controls the black screen appears, this is the loading screen of the game, you just have to wait for it to finish loading, sometimes it takes up to 6 minutes to load, you just have to wait and then the game will start normally, Regards

    1. Hello friend, it is a compressed file in WINRAR, you must extract that file with the WINRAR program, you can download it for free from its official website, look for it in Google and after extracting it, the folder with the game will appear, you can see our tutorial on how to download it, extract and play here https://juegosdemugen.com/en/download-tutorial

  9. Hey admin, as I try do download the game through google drive, it says “Download quota exceeded for this file”. is there any way to fix that?

  10. Every time i want to play the game, it keeps making me extract everything from the file, how do i just open it completely without extracting it because it takes a looongg time

    1. Hello friend, you must use Winrar to extract the game only once, when extracting a folder is created with the game inside, Regards

    1. Hello friend, the patch is to update V11, you must download it, extract it with the WINRAR app, then open the folder that was extracted and inside copy all the files and folders found, then you must open the V11 folder and paste everything there, you It will ask to replace several files, you must accept everything and that’s it, the game is updated from V11 to V12 and remember if you can make a copy of V11 in case an error occurs, don’t lose the game and you can try again, Regards

  11. When ever i try to download any of the files i get as soon as its completely downloaded a error saying “aborted: network error”. What can i do against it?
    Pls help, thanks in advance.

    1. Hello friend, the network error is due to your internet or your PC, you should look for a tutorial on how to solve it, perhaps it is because the game is very large and manages to keep the download constant and the internet connection is interrupted, Regards

  12. can you make a translation of “records of all kumaga/lazygawa combos”? I don’t understand the language used in the notes.

  13. Hello i am trying to download the game using the 2nd download link but everytime i try to download it i get a message saying “unknown server error” what should i do?

  14. hola buenas noches cren que puedan usar otro metodo de descargar esque lo que pasa que ya intente descargarlo varias veces pero se cancela la intalacion y tengo mucho espacio libre si puedieran poner la opcion de utorren para opcion de desargar seria genial grecias por data la intente con las dos opciones al borde que ya no me dejan desgar al el juego hasta despues de cierto tiempo

    1. Hola amigo, por ahora no podemos torrents, pero si podriamos recomendarte utilizar un gestor de descargas, por ejemplo uno llamado JDownloader 2, es muy bueno y puedes descargar y pausar la descarga si lo deseas y no se pierde, incluso si ocurre alguna interrupción en el internet la descarga se detiene y puedes volver a continuar donde se quedo y no desde el principio, Saludos

  15. ohhh GG grecias lo voy a probar esque de verdad estan chido este juego y los llevo siguiendo hace mucho con los munge que sacan de los v
    gracias lo probare

  16. Hello I am trying to download Jump Force Mugen V12 from the google drive link, but the download cancels because of a communication/network error. I don’t thing it’s an issue with my internet, but if you know of a solution I would really appreciate it.

    1. Hello friend, it must be an error or a spike in the network that causes the download to be cancelled, a solution may be to use a download manager, for example Jdownloader 2, it is free and works well to download files without losing the progress of the download. download if any failure occurs in the network, Regards

        1. Hello friend, I would also recommend you use the download manager, lately the files that are very large cause problems in the downloads, we have many users who have the same thing, we don’t know why yet, Regards

      1. I downloaded the V12 Mugen from the “other server” link, but it downloads as an internet explorer type thing. I didn’t have this issue with previous jump force mugens, so I don’t know why it’s downloading as an internet explorer. Hopefully you’ve seen this before, but I’ll try more research myself later too. Thank you very much.

        1. Hello friend, in the other link is the compressed .rar file of the game, you must make sure before downloading it since it indicates the name of the game, Regards

          1. Both the google doc link (before it stops downloading) and the other link became internet explorer things. I tried downloading older Jump Force Mugens and the same issue happened.
            For the previous Jump Force Mugen I downloaded when I clicked download it wasn’t an internet explorer, so I don’t even know where to start. Hope this more info helps, thank you very much.

          2. We verified the links and they are fine friend, it is strange that this happens to you, I could invite you to download from another PC or Mobile to verify that it is not your PC that is causing the problem and keep us informed if the same happens, it would also help a lot

          3. I’ll try downloading it on mobile later. I’m more curious than ever about why this is happening, and am happy to help us learn together. Cheer again

  17. Will you guys add a MEGA download please? It’s the best way I can download large downloads since MEGA actually continues even after the download fails and my internet often reboots in the middle of them. 🙁

    1. Hello friend, for now we do not have a Mega account available, but the links that are published can be downloaded from a download manager such as Jdownloader, so it will also continue if the connection is interrupted, Regards

  18. Does the google drive download still work, and also I thought you had to download 3 downloads in order to play . And is it normal for the download to be long. (sorry for questioning to much)

    1. Hello friend the Google Drive download if it works and we have a tutorial on how to download without the limitation if you need it, you should only download 1 a single file can be the Google Drive or 1Fitcher, and if the game has that size of 42GB is why the download is long and remember to have enough storage space available about 116 GB in total, Greetings

  19. hello I love playing this game but sometimes I feel like some stuff is missing that’s why I’m here to ask can you add any more characters to the game from a file? if not if you make a v13 please add some more vegitos and gogeta like ultra ego or ultra ego instinct please thank you for reading if you are,

  20. hello I love playing this game but it feels like people are missing am I able to download characters from files? if not in v13 if you make one please please please add ultra ego fusions like gogeta and vegito or ultra instinct fusions with gogeta or vegito or ultra ego instinct vegito and gogeta or gogito if not that’s ok thank you for making this amazing game.

    1. Hello friend, an .exe file should appear with the name of the game, and if that file is not there, it is because the file was not downloaded correctly, you will have to download again, Regards

  21. Hello Developer, I have such a problem when downloading from any sources, 42 GB is downloaded from me and everything seems to be fine, but half of the download it is interrupted and writes “download stopped” and if it is resumed, then everything will start again, I have already changed the browser history repeats, please help me and if possible, throw me a torrent file with a game

    1. Hello friend, this problem is common with large files like this, but we don’t have a torrent, the only thing I can recommend for now is that you use a download manager, so if the download is interrupted it won’t start from the beginning, for example one called JDownloader 2 is very good, you can search for it on Google or YouTube, Regards

  22. Hello Developer, I have such a problem when downloading from any sources, 42 GB is downloaded from me and everything seems to be fine, but half of the download it is interrupted and writes “download stopped” and if it is resumed, then everything will start again, I have already changed the browser ,history repeats, please help me and if possible, throw me a torrent file with a game

    1. Hello friend, this problem is common with large files like this, but we don’t have a torrent, the only thing I can recommend for now is that you use a download manager, so if the download is interrupted it won’t start from the beginning, for example one called JDownloader 2 is very good, you can search for it on Google or YouTube, Regards

  23. every time I go to edit mugen.cfg file for full screen it gives me an error saying, “cannot modify volume” and ends up making me beak the process entirely.

  24. sorry if I’m posting again but I couldn’t find my own message due to my pc losing internet connection.
    I’m having trouble editing the mugen.cfg file to make the game fullscreen. every time I try to do it, I’m met with the same error saying, “failed to modify volume” or “you cannot modify your volume at this time” and my only choice is to disband the entire process.

    1. Hello friend, be sure to edit the file with a basic text editor such as Notepad that includes the operating system by default, and also make sure you are editing the file with the game closed, Greetings.

  25. love so much the game !!!!!!

    but sometimes i got stuck when open the game before main menu, how to fix that? thanks..

    1. Hello friend, if it is on the black screen that the game stays, you just have to wait, that is the loading screen, sometimes it takes up to 6 minutes to finish loading and then the game starts, Regards

  26. Hi developers, i tried downloading the game through Google Drive twice, but both of the times when the download was almost done it gave me an error with the connection and made me restart the download again. Are there anyways to fix this?

    1. Hello friend, we have received many comments with the same problem with Google Drive, that’s why we put the second method to download 1fichier, you can try downloading there, if you need, here we have a small tutorial:

      mugen game download 1fichier

  27. I download the game but when I extract the files it pops up errors saying something with integrity.. seems like characters fail to download. Any fix ?

    1. Hello friend, it means that it was not downloaded correctly, you should try to download the game again, and then make sure that the compressed file and the game folder have the size that we indicate in the characteristics, Regards

  28. I followed the google drive tutorial but it won’t extract with the WinRAR, maybe its because I have Windows 11? Id like some help because on my laptop it had Windows 10 and worked fine but with Windows 11 it doesn’t seem to work now. Could you put out a Windows 11 tutorial?

  29. Hello my friend, I have a problem and would be happy for a respond. When I download the game via mediafire and extracted with Winrar it only showed me four first files “chars, data, sound, stages” it didnt show me the game. What should I do?

    1. Hello friend, it seems that you downloaded the patch, the complete game is in the links of Google Drive or 1fichier you can download it from any of the two, if you need we have a tutorial to download from any of the two, Regards

      1. I tried it with Google Drive but you need to pay a monthly sub for more GB I only have 15. Then I tried other server and it says download is 5 to 6 days long. What is the problem here?

        1. Hello friend, you can download from Google Drive for free without a subscription, the subscription that you indicate is to save the game in your Drive and you don’t need to save it, just download it, and you also say that it takes 5 days to download from the other server, it is due to your speed of Internet must be slow, that’s why it takes so many days, remember that the game weighs 42.80 GB, Regards

          1. I have 300 mbits. And when I try with Google Drive it says the download contingent is too big. I subscribed and have 100 GB on Google Drive now but it still says that. If you have any idea what the problem is, help me pls I would really like to have the game

          2. That is strange friend, we still have 300 mb of download and with the other server it takes around 34 minutes to download everything, and with Google Drive you are doing something wrong, you just have to click on the file to download and after that it will start compressing It takes several minutes and after it finishes it will start downloading the file

  30. I tried it with Google Drive but you need to pay a monthly sub for more GB I only have 15. Then I tried other server and it says download is 5 to 6 days long. What is the problem here?

    1. Hello friend, you can download from Google Drive for free without a subscription, the subscription that you indicate is to save the game in your Drive and you don’t need to save it, just download it, and you also say that it takes 5 days to download from the other server, it is due to your speed of Internet must be slow, that’s why it takes so many days, remember that the game weighs 42.80 GB, Regards

  31. Hello admin
    So I have downloaded Jump Force Mugen V12 extracted all the 4 parts ,I then ran the game but I had a problem after launching the game and getting the screen that tells me the controls of the game , the game suddenly freezes and when I check the logs I get Error reading character file: chars/empty/empty.def , is there anyway to solve this problem?

    1. Hello friend, the black screen that appears after the controls is the loading screen, you just have to wait for it to finish loading and then the game will start normally, sometimes it takes between 5 to 6 minutes and then the game starts, Regards

  32. Whenever i download mugen it shows up as a word doc, so not sure how to fix it or to get the correct file to play the game

    1. Hello friend, you must have the WINRAR program installed, and when you download the game extract the file with WINRAR so that the folder with the game appears, Regards

  33. Hi, admin! Can you create a torrent link for the patch too? The current link download is too slow and when i got some internet connection problem, i must start the entire process from the beginning 🙁

  34. Hello friend, is it possible to make a torrent or Google Drive link to the patch? For many people, including me, it would be a huge help, as Mediafire restarts downloading immediately after the slightest hitch, which for some reason is very slow for me.

      1. Thank you for your quick reply. In that case, will the Google Drive version still be possible in the near future? Regards 🙂

  35. Hey, I downladed the v12 patch and moved everything over to the game folder. Everything is copied, but the game is still loading up as v11.

      1. is there any cahnce there will be a torrent one one day because my opera gx wont let me install it for some reason

    1. Hello friend, we are not sure, but you can go to the YouTube channel of its author, which is Dark Night Mugen, he always publishes news about game updates and the new ones he plans to make, Regards

  36. Hi I had a problem where when i launch the game it stuck on black screen and then suddenly the app went to not responding tried waiting for a few mins. but still nothing

    1. Hello friend, the black screen is the game loading screen, sometimes it takes up to 6 minutes to finish loading, you could try reducing the resolution of the game to see if it works better for you, but you still have to wait several minutes, Regards

  37. Hello admin (owner of the game) will there be another newer version of this game like v13 because im really excited about trying new characters and new abilities also this is a request from me please make Gojo satoru from the manga or make the current one with more abilities and change the music maybe to make it better although its already cool and good ya know i trust you thank you in advance and looking forward to a new one !!

    1. Hello friend, we still don’t know when V13 will be released, but you can follow Dark night Mugen, look for it on his YouTube channel, he is the creator of the game and he always makes announcements when he is going to publish new games, Regards

  38. dear admin how do i fi it when it says Error detected.

    Can’t open config file data/mugen.cfg.
    Error reading data/mugen.cfg

    Clipboard tail:
    M.U.G.E.N ver 1.1.0 Beta 1 P1 (2013.08.11) status log
    Parsing command line…
    Command line: D:\Downloads\Jump Force Mugen V12\Jump force mugen.exe
    Parse command line OK
    Allocating game variables
    Reading configuration file…

    1. Hello friend, this indicates that the mugen.cfg file is not working, it may be that it was not downloaded correctly, try to download again and also make sure that the size of the rar file is the same as indicated before downloading, Regards

    1. Hello friend, this happens because you are using the controls of Player 2, you must use those of Player 1 so that you are on the Left side, if you need it we have a tutorial on how to configure the controls here in the Tutorials menu, Greetings

    1. Hello friend, to play in the versus mode against CPU, you must press the CTRL + 2 keys at the same time when the battle starts, so the CPU will control P2

  39. I downloaded to the patch for v11 to v12 and installed it the only way I knew how and the game does not work and you guys don’t really give a video on how to do it so I just guessed and I do not think I did it right.

    1. Hello friend, we do not have a video tutorial, we only put the instructions written above, but basically you must copy the patch files and folders into the game folder, when it asks to replace some files you must accept and that’s it, the game will be updated

  40. Hello admin. I’ve downloaded and extracted the required downloads using winrar and now have the required folder. However whenever I try to open the game application, I am greeted with a message that says “This app can’t run on your pc. To find a version for your pc, check with the software publisher”. My computer is x64 bit and I’m sure mugen should be compatible with it. I should also add that my extracted jump force mugen folder is not in the same location as the separate downloads. (It is located on an external hard drive)

  41. Hello admin. I have extracted the winrar zip files and now have the jump force mugen folder in my desktop. However whenever i try to run the jump force mugen application, I get a message that says “This app can’t run on your pc. To find a version for your pc, check with the software publisher”. I don’t understand what this means as I even have mugen installed on my computer.

    1. Hello friend, several users are already having this problem, we still do not have solutions, but it seems to be a failure in the download, do you know if the game was downloaded completely? the compressed file must be 42.80 GB in size and the extracted folder must be 72.60 GB

  42. Loved the new improvements to Jump Force Mugen! The added characters are a great addition to the game, and the new combo system is a lot of fun to play around with. Can’t wait to see what other updates you have planned for Mugen Games in 2024!

  43. Admin I downloaded every 4 files of mugen v12 but I don’t know what to do after that. Please help with instructions or video

  44. i downloaded it using the 1fichier and somehow it said the download its not complete. but I already download it full 42gb+.. wasting my time bro.. any solution for that?

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